Plogue has made a chip-perfect emulation of the Yamaha FM synth line

Transport yourself to 1983. Sure, analog emulation is all the rage. But leave it to Plogue to do bit-for-bit digital recreation – with a precise reproduction of the Yamaha 6-operator FM synth range, including the legendary DX7.

Apple’s Spatial Audio experience comes together with head tracking, even for stereo music

Apple is filling in a key piece in the Spatial Audio puzzle – tracking the position of your head through the company’s headphones for more realistic immersion. Spatial Audio is already popular just weeks after launch on Apple Music, backed by a full-court press from Apple themselves on their own platforms and in the media. […]

Peter Kirn - September 22, 2021

Top music gear news from Superbooth 2021 – the CDM monster guide

The music nerd cultural happening – modular pilgrimage is back, and with it… way too much gear to wrap your head around. Here are the not-to-miss picks and of course the exhaustive CDM monster guide.

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