Architecture mixed with electronics mixed with animation — we think nothing of mixing these elements now. In 1958, as Poème Electronique was unleashed on the Brussels World’s Fair, it was still experimental. The animation/installation/composition was the collaborative creation of legendary modernist architect Le Corbusier, his assistant Iannis Xenakis, who would later come to be known […]
When Laptops Go Bad: HP Does Right by Laptop Lemon
When the magic works, it’s wonderful. And when it doesn’t … Jim Aikin, whose writing you know from Electronic Musician, Keyboard, his books, and many other places he pops up, has been having a pretty bad time with a brand new HP laptop and his shared his misery on the forums. The computer in question […]
New Forums Address: Create Digital Noise
If any of you have been having trouble with the forums today (lock icons, inability to post, etc.), you may have missed that we just moved servers. Instead of hosting the forums on, they’ll now be at The forum RSS feed stays the same, provided you’re subscribed to the correct RSS feed. This […]
Fun in the Lab: NI LabVIEW, Meet Standard Windows, Mac Audio Hardware; Cheap Academic Deal
Behold the power of the Web. Back in December, a reader from National Instruments wrote to tell me that one of their developers had adapted the digital signal processing capabilities of their LabVIEW product to synthesizing sound. In other words, you can take this high-end development platform for “testing, measurement, and control” (i.e., primarily for […]
Update: Behringer BCD2000 DJ Controller Not Mac Compatible Yet, Not Really Shipping?
We posted a review by our own Jaymis Loveday of Behringer’s BCD2000 DJ computer control surface. It’s a useful piece of kit, with DJ-style mixer controls, scratch surfaces, and built-in audio. Only one problem: Mac drivers and the product itself appear to be MIA. Update 2006-01-13: We have learned that a BCD2000 user, Evinyatar has […]
SSL Console Processing for Your Mac/PC DAW; Win SSL Gear in Remix Contest
Software companies are constantly claiming they offer “console-grade” processing, and comparing their effects to the legendary console effects from SSL (Solid State Logic). Well, now SSL themselves are getting into the DAW game, with a software/hardware solution called Duende. SSL has announced Duende is now shipping for Mac, coming to Windows in the fall: Duende […]
Your Cribs: More Minimalist Mac/PC Music Studios
It’s not about pissing contests with who can get the biggest rack of gear any more, evidently. While some of us CDMer can’t stop collecting computers (see the forum thread on that), many are looking for a minimal setup that lets them focus on actually, you know, making music. These setups often aren’t just minimal […]
Frederic Chopin, The Video Game, Coming to Xbox 360
Here we are, a site that regularly follows unusual gaming – music crossovers, and I don’t think we could ever have imagined anything this odd: a video game in which you play as Frédéric Chopin (yes, the one you’re thinking of), fighting disease with magical powers in a dream world: Chopin’s Dream Screens at Kotaku […]
Max/MSP/Jitter 4.6 Hits Beta, with Intel Native Support
Okay, Intel Mac owners: go get it. Max/MSP/Jitter 4.6 beta is here, with support for Intel Macs. Okay, now everyone else: version 4.6 offers a lot of cool stuff even if you don’t have an Intel Mac. For Mac developers, there’s the ability to write externals in Xcode. And for 3D visual people, I’ve seen […]
Convertible Minimalist Mac Studio, Now Chart-Topping
My friend Francis Preve sends pictures and details of his new “convertible” studio. He claims this is shameless self-promotion, but I call it aesthetic envy — and for another reason to be envious, Gabriel & Dresden’s Tracking Treasure Down (for which he did a remix) just hit #1 on the Billboard Club Charts. Not too […]