Apple’s Logic Pro and Express 7.2 were the first major music applications out the door with support for Intel Macs when they came out early this spring. As a result, though, Apple was a bit ahead of the curve: the Intel Mac ReWire SDK wasn’t available yet from Propellerhead, so Apple couldn’t include support for […]
KORE is Shipping; 1.01 Update and Tips
Native Instruments’ hotly-anticipated solution for playing soft synths, cataloging sounds, and performing with software in the studio and onstage is here. KORE is now available in stores and shipping, with a street around US$500 (just under US$1500 buys you KORE plus Native’s insanely massive Komplete collection of instruments as part of a special intro). Native […]
Tonight in New York: Detecting and Visualizing Motion, Free Workshop
Tonight here in New York, I’ll be presenting a free workshop on detecting and visualizing motion from camera inputs, which may be of interest not only for those of you eagerly anticipating the new Create Digital Motion site, but also anyone who’d like to use cameras as controllers for music. Full details after the jump. […]
For Those Dark Club Environments: DIY LED Light
I don’t care how great your touch typing skills are, when you’ve been drinking beer and jumping around on stage for an hour you’re going to need some light to help you trigger that next sample. Fortunately for laptop performers an increasing number of current machines are coming with integrated lighting solutions. Whether it’s the […]
Omniscience is Way Cool
Being behind the scenes on a website is great fun when everything is working. Site admins can have an overview of everything going on: Instantly seeing new comments, forum threads, incoming links, spam forum signups and reader feedback gives a faint feeling of superiority which is just delicious. With CDM2.0 we’ve tried to bring some […]
Server Fixed: Everything Back, Peter Runs Away
It’s been an extremely eventful couple of weeks, from the inside of the site anyway. From the outside it probably just looked like downtime, reduced posting frequency, more downtime, images disappear, images reappear, more downtime, more images disappear, and now everything is fixed. This all came about when the (now ex-) CDM site host 1and1 […]
Temporary Maintenance: Comments, Forums Back Soon
As of about 3AM Eastern Time, CDM’s forums and comments are offline while we migrate to a new server. We’ll have them back within a few hours, and hopefully other than that, all you’ll notice is improved performance! Thanks for your patience. Note: We are experiencing difficulties with our integrated image system. We expect to […]
Korg President Michael Kovins Has Passed Away
We’ve just received sad news via Korg USA: Korg USA mourns the passing of company President Michael Kovins. Michael, who worked with the company for 26 years, served as Korg USA President for the last 14 of those years. A respected music industry figure, Michael was diagnosed with Leukemia nine years ago and fought the […]
Drums in Glorious Mono: Free Reason ReFill for Reason Drum Kit Owners
Ah, sweet, sweet mono: because two speakers is really too many. Part of the idea behind the Reason Drum Kits 2 was providing alternative sampled drums with different miking configurations for different sounds, so in that spirit, the Props are giving away a mono set to registered RDK users. (Hey, why not give it to […]