Audio Damage is continuing to do its bit to recreate classic vintage effects that fall under the radar of the larger plug-in developers. The Phase Two, an incredibly accurate recreation of the Mutron Bi-Phase, may be its most ambitious yet. The Bi-Phase is the sound of the seventies, known for its stereo phasing capability, and […]
Off to Anaheim: Live Coverage of New Music Gear from NAMM All Week
I’m off to Anaheim, California for the NAMM show, planning to send back plenty of news, imagery, and now audio podcasts of the latest from the world’s biggest music gear show. Watch for new software, new hardware, and new oddness. If you’re at the NAMM show, be sure to stop by the Ableton booth around […]
Creamware Unveils Hammond Organ Hardware with Drawbars
They put Minimoog and Prophet synth emulations into hardware boxes under a grand. Now Creamware has added an emulation of the most legendary organ of all time to its “Authentic Sound Box” (ASB) line, and it’s a lot easier to lift than the original. Could these guys replace your laptop and software synths? -Ed. Creamware […]
CES: Bringing Guitarists Kicking and Screaming into the Digital Revolution
CDM’s Lee Sherman has been roving through the massive CES tech show and Macworld Expo over the last two weeks. He files this report on how music (namely, guitar music) is making an impact on consumer gadgets. -Ed. Guitarists are finally catching up to their keyboard-playing brethren in embracing digital technology due to a spate […]
Unusual New Guitar Tech: Optical Pickups, Bows, MIDI, Finger-Controlled FX
Sometimes the musical instrument industry seems to evolve slowly, but not when it comes to creating wild new guitars. Here’s a quick roundup of just-released technology, the sort of things that get introduced at this week’s NAMM show; hopefully I’ll get up close and personal with these and others on the floor. (See last year’s […]
Darth Vader DJs Imperial March in Video
From Adrian Anders comes a video by a DJ Keltech — or, should I say, Sith Lord Darth Vader: Vader, Scratch Lord [Google Video] To quote Chris Rock’s character in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back: “I think George Lucas is gonna sue somebody.” Thanks, Adrian. Can’t fault the concept, though I’d like to see […]
Why the NAMM Music Show Will Kick the CES Gadget Show in the Google Pack
Last week, the largest consumer technology show in the world descended on Las Vegas, CES. And what did we get? Well, basically, a lot of boring announcements, a few fairly cool portable media devices, lots of non-shipping Skype devices, and Bill Gates telling us things we already knew about Windows Vista. Afterwards, we had lots […]
Mactel Watch: Which Audio/Music Software is Mac-Intel Ready?
A CDM Special Report, In 2006, we’re compiling our own list of audio and music software, plug-ins, and drivers that have been updated as Universal — containing code that’s optimized both for PowerPC Macs and the new Macs with Intel processors. With this list, Mac musicians can keep track of which software will run […]
Exclusive: Fold-Up, Full-Size Music Keyboard Patented
Full-size keyboards have one problem: they’re big. We’ve seen roll-up pianos, but limp pieces of vinyl with membrane action aren’t much fun to play. Ever looked at your keyboard and just wished you could fold it up? Inventor David Bubar thinks he’s got the answer. He’s patented a design for a fold-up keyboard, and has […]