CDM reader Tim in New Zealand gets our dream 5.1 surround studio prize: 250-input Euphonix desk? Check. Actual movie theater for production? Check. Ultra-sexy mood lighting and furniture? But of course. How do you get to work in a post production studio that looks like it could double as someone’s evil headquarters in a Bond […]
Ableton on Apple-Intel: ‘Bout Friggin’ Time!
One major music developer is thrilled about Apple’s move to Intel: Ableton, developer of the wildly-popular Live software. Robert Henke, Ableton’s software “conceptualist,” long-time Max/MSP developer, and electronic musician (member of Monolake) had this to say on Ableton’s forum: “Hmm, Apple is going to use intel chips in the future. Good bye Altivec. You should […]
Apple and Intel: New York Times, Rumor Site?
By the end of the day today, we’re either going to have Intel-powered Macs or the paper of record is going to come off looking like an aimless rumor site. The New York Times technology headline yesterday was Apple Plans to Switch From I.B.M. to Intel for Chips. Not Apple might switch or is rumored […]
Xbox 360 + Music: Soundtracks vs. Your Pop Hits
While Apple goes Intel, let’s return to that machine with PowerPC guts — the Xbox 360. Microsoft’s new console has a controversial feature that requires developers to let users replace the game soundtrack with their own custom playlists. Some of you readers say that’s bad for game music, while others are looking forward to turning […]
Xbox 360 + Music: Top Composers Sound Off
See part one of Brent’s story on the Xbox 360, and Microsoft’s decision to force developers to let users replace the game soundtrack with their own custom playlists. You’ve heard from the CDM staff, and we’ve heard from you, but what do game composers think? -PK CDM took some time to speak with some of […]
DIY MIDI TB-303 Synth (New Photos)
Our friend Phillip at MAKE: Blog links to new photos of the DIY clone of Roland’s legendary TB-303 synth, the x0xb0x. This is one serious project: MIDI-enabled, and with a full synthesizer. The specs are totally public domain and available online so you can build your own. Watch jonnay build one in a flickr set, […]
Wireless NES Controller + Game Boy Music Emulation; Joystick History
Aydiosmio has instructions for hacking a vintage NES controller for wireless function, by ripping apart the guts of a Targus wireless keypad. Brilliant! (via MAKE:blog) Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Aside from making an interesting Max/MSP controller, this is perfect for controlling emulated Game Boy music, like LSDJ, which is available as a ROM […]
Calling Retro Music Fans: Nintendo Back Catalog to be Free
Everything old is new again: several sources are reporting Nintendo plans to make its back catalog of downloadable games free for its upcoming Revolution console. (Wow, without digging them out of the ground in Animal Crossing?) Revogaming even claims to have a preliminary list of what games will be available. You’ll have at least one […]
Almost Live WWDC Keynote Coverage: Earth-Shaking News from Apple?
CDM’s man in San Fran, Lee Sherman, is on-hand at the WWDC keynote to bring us the latest. We’ll know if there’s anything music-related, or anything related to an upcoming apocalypse (like Apple’s switching to Intel, or pre-installing Windows, or Dell is pre-installing OS X, or Apple is marking all machines with the mark of […]
WWDC Breaking: Apple to Add Podcasting to iTunes
Live from WWDC: Steve Jobs has announced that podcasting will be built into the next version of iTunes, and the iTunes Music Store will incorporate a podcast directory. Jobs calls the tech “Wayne’s World for radio” but notes that, of the 8,000 podcasts available, it’s not just amateurs. This is the “hottest thing going in […]