Chris O’Shea points us to Ben Hanbury’s project Recycle TV, which combines an old TV set (well, actually, he substituted a picture of one for ease), a Max/MSP patch, and Eric Singer’s real world-to-MIDI interface, the MidiTron. Via copyrighted and open source clips, you can mix together musical phrases constructed from miliseconds-long clips. The beats […]
Moogfest: Moog Music Blowout in NYC – Lineup Details
Last year’s Moogfest was one of the hottest tickets of the year for lovers of analog synths. It’s back. Honoring Bob Moog and his amazing instruments, Moogfest is a massive musical mash featuring top keyboardists and synthesists led by musical director Jason Miles, the keyboardist – composer – producer who’s work can be heard on […]
M-Audio News: More Pro Tools Compatibility, Trigger Finger Shipping
One of the hottest pieces of hardware gear covered at CDM (at least according to our hit counts on CDM’s original report) is now shipping. M-Audio’s Trigger Finger, a USB/MIDI control surface with 16 pressure-sensitive drum pads, 4 faders, and 8 knobs, is in stock at major outlets. I’ve tried it, and it feels great. […]
Arturian Mega-Bundle: Four Vintage Soft Synths
In college, I had access to a studio (where I later taught for a year), with a crazy collection of vintage instruments: ARP, ElectroComp, Moog Modular, Buchla 100 Series, Minimoog, and Memory Moog. You could even cross-patch between Buchla and Moog. Did it help with music making? Er . . . sure. At least it […]
Games Week/E3: New Consoles’ Audio, Compared
Graphics, schmaphics. The future of gaming not only looks better — it sounds a lot better, too. Talk to any game composer or sound designer, and you’ll hear a lot of excitement about the amount of creativity they can exert with games. So how does the next generation compare? Amidst all the PS3 vs. Xbox […]
Games Week: The Sound of Gaming – Going Oldskool
Games Week continues with the introduction of a new regular column by sound designer and game composer W. Brent Latta. First up, Brent introduces game music as an art form and ideas about how to listen to it. It’s fitting that Brent would launch his first column with a tribute to why the NES is […]
M-Audio iControl for GarageBand: Shipping in June?
Last month, we looked at M-Audio’s new hardware control surface for Apple GarageBand, iControl. (see iControl analysis and information on supported applications) So, where is it? Shipping “real soon now,” apparently; several merchants are showing it on back-order, shipping in 7-14 days, or simply unavailable. Music123 is taking iControl pre-orders for shipment estimated on June […]
Sonic Clothing Roundup: Projects, Resources, DIY
[Updated] No, not t-shirts with band names on it. I’m talking about wearable, interactive clothing with integrated electronics that respond to or generate sound. Inspired by the latest picks from Regine at we make money not art, I’ve decided it’s time for a roundup: Musical Gloves: Perhaps the most ubiquitous form of wearable sonic accessory, […]
Games Week: Pac Man at Age 25
[Updated with Tiger widget!] As Pac Man turns 25 this week, there’s sadly no mention of the game’s signature sound and music. (And PLEASE don’t mention that awful song Pac Man Fever again!) Not only was Pac Man (aka Puckman in 1980; see the game’s history) the first game that inspired mainstream gaming, but it […]
Games Week/E3: New Game Boy Micro, Perfect for Music?
[Updated]For really retro chiptune music, you’ll want an original Game Boy. But the new Nintendo Game Boy could be the first since the original to really work well for portable music making: Same guts as the GBA SP, for full backwards compatibility (unlike the DS) — this is a new form factor, not a new […]