Relic? Think again. Orchestras are taking on digital-age music. IGN reports video game composers Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall have become orchestral concert producers with “Video Games Live,” an “immersive” audio/visual experience. Part of the immersion involves the L.A. Philharmonic playing Mario and Zelda. Wall says “Videogame music is not bleeps and bloops anymore.” Um, […]
Max/MSP and Pd: Political Manifestos and Free Music Software
“Give it All, Zero For Rules!” shouts Mattin. For some, free music software isn’t just a way of saving money. It’s a way of life. At the center of the debate is a semi-rivalry between two similar programs: Pure Data (aka “Pd”), and Max/MSP. Both Pd and Max/MSP use a similar interface, allowing you to […]
DIY Music Software with Free Pure Data (Pd)
DIY hardware is all the rage these days (see the Make:blog), but how about DIY software for music? An increasing number of free and commercial tools on every platform makes it possible to create wild, custom software configurations for real-time music and video without code — or cash. OS X Tiger users have access to […]
More on Mocean: Pipe Organ Controlled by Water Tank
I looked at Mocean last month, but Liubo Borissov, one of its creators, alerted me to an updated site with better documentation and video: Mocean @ Organic Interfaces Here’s where it gets really cool: the Mocean creators hooked up the water tank to a pipe organ (video included). The impact of the water interface on […]
Six Amps for $40: GXStack VST (Windows)
Finally, something this week for our Windows readers (lest you think my PC was eaten by a Tiger): the bargain-basement guitar amp software continues this week with GXStack, which includes 6 amp models with reverb, delay, and timbral controls for an intro price of US$39.99. The sound samples sound terrific and they promise it’s easy […]
Mackie Tracktion 2 Arrives: One-Screen Audio Workstation
Mackie Tracktion 2 for Windows and Mac is now available for purchase. Tracktion has a lot going for it: a streamlined one-screen interface, VST compatibility, cross-platform, and a low price (US$150 street). New in this version is expanded MIDI editing, step entry, loop recording, external synchronization, MIDI controller mapping, Mackie Control Universal/C4 support (I’d hope […]
Original Hitchhiker’s Guide: Radiophonic Blockbuster
Visuals? Who needs visuals? The original Hitchhiker’s Guide radio show was evocative enough in sound to evoke the bizarre otherworldly imagination of Douglas Adams: close your eyes, listen to the wizardry of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop (the same team that worked on Doctor Who), and it was all there. For fans of the radio show, […]
Tonight in NYC: New Instruments (And Calling NYUers)
Here’s my kind of elective: grad students at NYU’s ITP (Interactive Telecommunications Program) will be presenting new musical instruments they’ve invented tonight (Wednesday) at Tonic, 8:00 PM. Any NYC-based CDM readers going to make it? CALLING CDM READERS FROM ITP: Yes, I know you read. So can someone please email me and let me know […]
DIY Wooden Knobs
Building your own cabinet for a home-built theremin or other music device? Some woodworking may be in order. Scott Sims contributes a great wooden knob tutorial for the all-audio DIY site AudioTweaks. (via thereminworld) The bad news (for some of you) is, you’ll probably want a drill press. Check out this gorgeous tube project Scott […]
More on Quartz Composer (Free Interactive OS X Tiger Tool)
[Updated:] Check out the new QuartzComposer blog; I’ll be reading! -PK I looked earlier this week at Quartz Composer, an interactive eye candy development tool that not only creates slick RSS newsfeed screensavers, but even allows audio and MIDI input and outputs MIDI control, perfect for live performance and VJing. Developer Pierre-Olivier Latour has posted […]