We've replaced the default RSS feed, which had formatting issues as many of you have observed, with a new feed that includes live links and HTML formatting (though for photos and commenting, of course, hit the actual site!). Please update your links (default RSS 1.0 feed): http://feeds.feedburner.com/createdigitalmusic For RSS 2.0, Atom, OPML, etc., you'll find […]
Update: PACE Copy Protection and Mac OS X Tiger Are Compatible
If you're planning to upgrade to Mac OS X Tiger when it is released, you'll still need to check with software and hardware vendors to make sure your setup is 10.4-ready, but PACE copy protection, used in many Mac music applications and plugins, won't be an issue. Andrew Kirk of PACE Anti-Piracy tells us: The […]
Mac OS X Tiger: Audio Improvements from Apple
As a cross-platform Windows and Mac user (I really have to be as a writer), I can tell you I really miss Mac OS X's brilliant Core Audio when I'm on Windows. And looking at Apple's updated Core Audio page for Mac OS X Tiger, Core Audio is only getting better: Core Audio file format […]
Mocean: Water as Musical Instrument
Mocean is an interactive installation that uses a tank of water as an interface for sound. Dip your hands in the tank, and the installation whistles and hums. The water doesn't create the sound directly; instead, an array of antique organ pipes resonate above the tank, triggered by a video camera that analyzes pictures of […]
MIT Students Build USB Dance Floor in Dorm
As seen on Slashdot: a group of students at MIT have constructed a Disco Dance Floor, with over 1,500 LEDs and covering 128 square feet. Dance on it, and pressure sensors trigger some 4,000 colors. Jeez, I knew I shouldn't have gone to Sarah Lawrence; these MIT folks don't mess around. Not only are the […]
Make Music with Dance Dance Revolution Pads
Dance Wednesday continues, so get your dancing shoes on. You can trigger audio and video with a Dance Dance Revolution pad (or any USB game controller). Resources: You'll want some kind of PS2-to-USB converter so you can plug it into your computer, for starters (here's an example). Then check out software like STEIM's JunXion (Mac […]
PACE – OS X 10.4 Tiger Compatibility Resolved (updated)
Updated: PACE copy protection has been updated and will be compatible with the shipping version of OS X 10.4 Tiger. Read CDM's updated report.
Inside Moog Voyager
Even Bob Moog's circuit boards are gorgeous. Qwave (via a Harmony Central message thread) couldn't just admire his Minimoog Voyager keyboard from the outside — he had to check out the guts. That has ignited some controversy over the lack of discrete transistors in the analog Voyager, but I think people are overreacting. The ultimate […]
Sampled Nord Clone Softsynth
It's the attack of the clones. The latest is a clone of Clavia's Nord Modular keyboard, the EUR 149.00 North Mood. (via Gearjunkies) The VST plug for Windows/Mac painstakingly sampled, sometimes note by note, presets on the original Nord. Supposedly it's an instrument "without compromises" — but here's a significant one. Part of the whole […]
RCA Synthesizer: 50 Years Later
The Princeton, NJ chapter of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) is celebrating 50 years of the RCA Synthesizer on Thursday, April 14. (PDF info) Automatic lounge music: The RCA Mark I wasn't exactly what we'd think of as a synthesizer. Developed by RCA engineers Harry Olsen and Hebert Belar, its original intention was to […]