Wondered what the fuss is about physical modeling? This synthesis technique surfaced years ago, but you're going to be seeing a lot more of it thanks to faster CPUs. Here's a snapshot explanation of what it is and how it came to be. Why you need it: A violin is not a sine wave: Traditional […]
Asteroid and Free Press: Apple Digs into Journalists’ Email
What began as a controversy over leaked information regarding an external audio interface called Asteroid is rapidly becoming a critical legal battle for journalist privilege. Apple now wants access to email records at Nfox.com, the email provider for Jason O'Grady's PowerPage.org, says the Electronic Frontier Foundation. (see also an article from the UK's Inquirer) This […]
Free Reverb: Onstage or Underwater (Windows)
Free reverb? Ho-hum. Free reverb that can simulate bizarre acoustic spaces and even make your mix sound like it's underwater? Now you're talking. Dasample Glaceverb (VST Windows) is a Residual Vector Modulation reverb plugin — think physical modeling applied to reverb. With control over every parameter of the space and its materials and 64 presets, […]
STC-1000 Touch Controller
Mercurial Innovations Group's STC-1000 is two devices combined in one MIDI unit: it's an X-Y continuous touch controller, and a programmable multi-zone percussion-style MIDI trigger. In other words, you can use it like a sophisticated touchpad for controlling filters and synth parameters, or use its zones as drum/note triggers. Street price US$225. (Why not by […]
Linux for Music: Studio to Go! Interview
Linux for music is everywhere, from the power behind the Korg Oasys to new, more usable Linux desktop music software. CDM got a chance to talk to Chris Cannam of Fervent Software, developers of the Linux-based Studio-to-Go. Chris tells us a bit more about Studio-to-Go, as well as more generally the past, present, and future […]
Grammy Winners
Congratulations to this year's Grammy Winners (listed at soundgenerator.com). It was a banner year for high-profile Mac users from Black Eyed Peas to U2, and the iTunes Music Store is accordingly offering US$7.99 for the winning albums. Digitally-created music wasn't left out, either; traditional rockers dominated most categories but Basement Jaxx, electronic winner, had plenty […]
10.3.7 and Audio Drivers
Mac OS X just hit 10.3.8, but I'm still having problems with changes introduced in 10.3.7: M-Audio interfaces' latest drivers appear to cause incompatibility with the new OS; my Duo and FireWire Solo both stopped receiving and sending audio signal (though they appear normally) after the update. With the Solo, rolling back to the previous […]
Ask CDM: Microphone Advice
Carl writes us: Looking for a cheap, side-address, large-diaphragm, cardiod condenser mic for vocals. Wondering if CDM readers/authors might have some advice. Currently considering… $200 Audio Technica AT3035 Blue 8-Ball Rode NT1-A Studio Projects C1 $100 Audio Technica AT2020 Kel HM-1 Studio Projects B1 …I'm leaning toward the Studio Projects pieces, or perhaps the Kel. […]
Speech Synthesis: History, Resources, Online Generators
Dave's Imaginary Sound Space has an incredible compendium of links on the history of speech synthesis, complete with sound files, all the way back 50 years to the Sonovox, connected to a Masters' Thesis by Sami Lemmety. Inspired by Dave's links, CDM has decided to bring you more of the time-sucking power of fascinating speech […]
AutoTune Now AU-Compatible (OS X)
Antares' wildly popular automatic tuning plugin AutoTune is now available in Audio Unit form, meaning you're no longer reliant on Pro Tools to run it — Logic, DP, GarageBand, Live, etc. are all fair game on the Mac. (Antares has ensured compatibility with Apple's validators.) [via kvraudio] Great news for native audio, etc., etc. (I'm […]