For those of you who haven't already seen this on Sonic State and Music Thing, soft synth developer GMedia has turned vintage synth geekery into a card game. Yes, folks, it's Vintage Synth Trumps, the game where you triumph by collectibility alone. And at just GBP7.95 including shipping, it's a perfect stocking stuffer — send […]
Tranzport Wireless Remote Photo
Jerry Halstead has taken a beautiful photo of the Tranzport wireless DAW remote, my essential tech of the week for Gizmodo, for those of you who can't get enough of drooling over tech. The device looks just gorgeous; I'll obviously post when this ships, expected in March 2005. Jerry also talks a bit about the […]
Rosegarden Developers Talk Linux Music App
O'Reilly today has an extensive interview and featurette on the development of the flagship power app for Linux music, Rosegarden. Easily the most full-featured free application for music, Rosegarden features MIDI and audio sequencing, effects, soft synths, and even notation. I might take issue with the developers' claim that it matches most functionality of […]
Vintage Gone Soft: Arturia ARP2600 V
For fans of vintage synths painstakingly emulated in software, Arturia are rockstars. They're best-known for their Moog emulations, but we've been waiting for Arturia to bring another classic to software, the ARP 2600 synthesizer, since the software was first shown at AES. It's here: the Arturia ARP2600 V. For those of you don't know what […]
Roland Emulated on Commodore Emulated on Mac
Tom at Musicthing is stunned by this as I am. Follow the chronology: 1982: Roland creates the TB-303 mono synth and TR-606 drum sequencer, a cheezy device in itself but one that becomes the cornerstone for electronic dance music. 1982: Commodore introduces the C64 computer, with an enviable synth built-in. 2004: Prophet 64 is released, […]
Flash Drum Machines Redux, Soviet Synth Sample CD
Ah, old Acme and his disappearing, reappearing link. For those of you who were dismayed that Monday's link to vintage drum machines recreated as downloadable Flash files went down, that server appears to be back. In other news, for fans of Soviet Synths still not sated by an online museum of instruments, Scott Peer from […]
Vintage Synths: Report from Analogue Heaven
Digital?! Where? Tubes rock, dude. Eric Barbour, Metasonix owner and senior editor of Vacuum Tube Valley writes us to tell us about Analogue Heaven, a Bay Area California convergence of vintage synth lovers. Highlights for Barbour included the Wiard modular, Gino Robair's custom system and "Demoing my new effect box to Josh from XLR8R magazine […]
[Updated] Bargain-Basement Reason
Many are disappointed by the announcement of Reason 3.0; it's an evolutionary release that still lacks key features like audio recording in an otherwise fantastic program. But on the upside, Propellerhead is pricing Reason and upgrade low enough that it's a great time to pick up the program or upgrade. According to Propellerhead's 3.0 FAQ, […]
Frontier Tranzport: A Remote Control for your DAW
Pro audio has been slow to go wireless, which is why the Tranzport, the first-ever wireless remote for DAWs, is very good news. The device from Frontier Electronics is due early in 2005 and will work out-of-the-box with your DAW software of choice, including SONAR, DP, Cubase, Logic, and Pro Tools. (I'm holding out for […]
TimeToy (OS X): Free/Cheap Real-Time Time Stretching
Typical time stretching: Expensive software, rigid controls, wait for calculations. TimeToy: Free or US$17 'Pro' version, flexible controls, real-time, mic input. Now you're talking. TimeToy can be fun as an improvisatory sound-warping tool or used live in performance; use rubber band-style controls to plot time manipulations, or (with the Pro version) even scrub and warp […]