Roland just modeled the JC-120 Jazz Chorus in software

What’s left to model for Roland Cloud? The JC-120 Jazz Chorus amp, for one – now available in Early Access for Ultimate subscribers.

Three years of solar flares transformed into music: ESA x Maple Pools

See and hear what our nearest star and mass nuclear fusion reactor has been up to in the past three years. The solar show is captured by the ESA-led Solar Orbiter mission and new UV images and musical sonification.

LA fires: resources for music and mutual aid; music gatherings press on

Firefighters are battling Los Angeles wildfires today as winds threaten in the next 24 hours. Amidst evacuations and air quality issues, life continues for local residents, including preparation for NAMM and Buchla meetups later this month. But it also requires healing. For anyone looking for assistance or ways to help, here are some of the resources our friends in LA have been sharing.

Palestinian game Dreams on a Pillow is on its last day of crowdfunding

Games weave art and empathy in unique ways: gaming is at its heart a medium about perspective and action. The story of developer Rasheed Abueideh is a model for telling stories and for what happens when people step up and provide support. When conventional publishers deemed a title about the Nakba “too controversial,” people responded, from the individuals in the games community to journalists. That campaign will close later today, but it’s already exceeded its $200,000 USD goal.

Sequencing with light on an alien-looking instrument by Kacper Ziemianin

DIY and instrument-making can be about tinkering and inventing. But it can also be about finding one instrument for your performance and iterating over the long term. That’s what Kacper Ziemianin, aka Ctrl Freq, has done with this “Light-Sequencer” instrument (LSe) – and it’s just reached a breakthrough third hardware version with an accompanying live show.

LA friends and colleagues, we’re thinking of you; fires signal planetary crisis

The home of so many in the music and musical instruments community has been consumed by fire. Friends and colleagues in the Los Angeles area, you’re on our minds this week; I hope you’ve gotten to safety. And we can’t mince words: planetwide, every second of this climate crisis now counts.

Here’s Roger Linn with advice on developing expressive gestures

Roger Linn didn’t just develop the LinnStrument and then check out. He’s provided a steady stream of musical advice both of his own makings and from the device’s user community – all while being a driving force in MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE). The latest video is a must-watch addition to that ongoing series.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 game is full of Ukrainian music; here’s your guide

Ukrainian games house GSC Game World lost a team member in the front lines and had to face up to Russian disinformation to produce their blockbuster hit game in the middle of a full-scale war. They also packed their game full of Ukrainian music – including electronic music producers. Here’s more on the game, and […]

RIP Dax Pierson, Árni Grétar Jóhannesson aka Futuregrapher

We’re barely into the new year, but already, we’ve got two untimely passings that leave significant holes in the world of electronic music: Dax Pierson and Árni Grétar Jóhannesson.

Maker Monday: DIY your own tracker hardware for around $50-$75

The tracker revival is here. But to make it happen, we need a tracker in every pocket. Don’t worry: you can absolutely recession-proof trackers, even if you’re wedded to using handheld hardware.