Behringer continues to leak out teaser videos about its upcoming analog synth – and with the rest of the industry out on summer vacation, they’ve got pretty much everyone’s full attention. There’s a few things you can learn from their latest video – not least that I was dead wrong, and this is a polysynth, not a monosynth. (Oops.)

There’s an arpeggiator.

It’s got at least four voices – you can see them lighting up. In fact, those voices are lighting up a bit like it’s swapping voices from an arpeggiator, like KORG’s Mono/Poly.

There are separate LFOs (at least as evidenced by the differing LFO rates mentioned in the video.) You can see clearly marked LFO 1 + LFO 2.

You can use it in unison mode with a poly unison detune (see that big fader).

The previous video set this one up, but didn’t show quite as much (though some more on the LFOs, oscillator settings…)

I’m going to just go around now saying …

” … Peaceful … ”

Correction: he’s saying “beautiful,” evidently. I felt peaceful, though, so maybe I was projecting.

Here’s our previous still grab of the full synth (it flashes for just a moment in the first video):
