Berlin techno has its own application for UNESCO status – and here’s the film

Backed by Rave the Planet, Berlin artists are organizing to apply for UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity status for techno in the city. And there’s a film. Featured in the film are some usual suspects: Adriaan van der Werf ◼︎ Alan Oldham ◼︎ Alexander Krüger ◼︎ Daniel Boon ◼︎ Dimitri Hegemann ◼︎ Dr. Motte […]

Ever used a delay plug-in at random? Now use the excellent Spaced Out like that – for free

“Never have I ever…” mashed video game buttons in a fighter to win? Randomly tried a delay on a track with some arbitrary settings to try to make it better? Yeah, okay – take a drink. And take a free plug-in, BABY Audio’s new Magic Dice.

Peter Kirn - November 17, 2021

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