Well, a whole lot of the planet right now is starting another weekend unable to go out safely – so let’s bring the music to you. And where better than some underground music on an Atlantic island ruin?

Yes, whereas the last decade was marked by videos focusing on crowds, this decade has launched with their absence. But instead of some sweaty brand-friendly hipsters (okay, hey, sure I was in a couple of those) – this time it’s spectacular landscapes. The combined crews of SønDER and Szlag took cameras and – yes, of course, a drone – out to a remote Atlantic island. There, the venue was a gorgeously ruined abandoned sanatorium. So, since we all could use some physical and mental health refresh, let’s take it in.

I came this way via Kasia Gościńska, a Berlin-based, Polish DJ who has been hyperactive in her focus on connecting with networks and communities. That takes on real dimension in her native Poland, where party culture is pushing back against misogyny and anti-queer violence. Accordingly, her freshly launched project “szlag” has an open mission to “cross borders and genres” – but I fully expect it’ll connect a whole lot of people. And that started with linking up with another collective.

Germany’s SønDER is itself an open/decentralized network that says they focus on community and creativity in the party, plus a “cultural space where equity is promoted” – including the relationship to the public and equality across gender, sexuality, and racial divides. Certainly they’ve been an active part of Berlin’s scene as it reboots after this long, long winter – one that recenters some of the artist attention in the process.

I love DJs, but of course have to start with the live performance. Fanciful, intelligent, but often sentimental and melodic beats played on computer/APC and TR-8S come our way from the live act Just Dust.

Kasia is doing great things seamlessly blending techno, post-punk, and EBM in a dark, but of-this-moment brew. Check out the HÖR set, too, for more of a sense of that (also who the heck downvotes all these videos? stopit!):

Also, Lukr Range has been a mainstay of Berlin’s techno activity and resident of this crew, so a defining set from her:

I was new to the rest and … it’s Friday night, I’m running out of words (no offense to the artists here for me going silent). But let’s listen.

So, at least you’re somewhere you’ve got electricity (for the moment) and a screen and sound to check these out on. I hope that brings some party energy to you. Have a good weekend.

And, honestly, The Island isn’t such a bad place…

Follow the collectives –



And if you’re in Berlin, this is coming up on the 24th – but wear a mask, of course: