That’s it. That’s the post. Screengaze will be the new thing. Producers, I want to hear from you.


(Maybe this term existed before; one reader commented that it had, and there’s the slightest hint on that someone was trying to make it happen. But it clearly needs the modern Internet to become real.

And if you missed out on hit ’em somehow, even NPR was onto that:

The sound of the summer came to electronic musician Drew Daniel in a dream

There is a compilation project, too:

But time moves on. (I’m still pondering whether to do a hit ’em round-up, even though it feels like it’s already over.) So now it’s time to invent screengaze.

Alternatively, join the genre we made up earlier today (via someone I follow making something crazy sounding with VCV Rack):

Feature image (CC-BY) Slava, via Flickr.