Macworld has a quick review of Photoshop CS3, which mentions the new Animation (Timeline) tools.

Photoshop Extended can import video files, and importing a video is as easy as adding a new layer and selecting a movie, which shows up as a Video Layer in the Layers panel. Importing is very quick in Photoshop Extended, with an eight-minute QuickTime movie taking only a few seconds. You then use the new Animation (Timeline) palette to control the frame you’re working with. You can apply nondestructive adjustment layers to multiple frames and add graphic layers to some or all of the frames. The Animation (Timeline) palette also enables you to address individual frames within single layers, so you can edit the video frame by frame with familiar Photoshop tools including Clone, Text, and Scale. And, you can Clone from one frame to another or across multiple frames at once.

I’ve previously rotoscoped an entire 10 minute short film in Photoshop using filmstrip files (no, it wasn’t a Star Wars fanfilm) exported from Premiere, so this is of particular interest to me. [tags]Photoshop, CS3, animation, rotoscoping, post-production, Premiere[/tags]