You deserve a summer break. Here’s a dark disco love ode to a moustache, made by Greek-German-Argentinian partnership of Local Suicide and Skelesys, with a cheeky video by Lebanese-born video artist Zaher JR. Come for that silliness, stick around for a who’s-who of music artists redefining queer identity and the harp, acid to post-punk and beyond.

There’s something for everyone here, really. Tracksuits. Black cats. Facial hair. Buses. Lobsters. Terrible architecture. Oh yeah, welcome back to Berlin.

We could all use some love and frivolity right now. So sure enough, Eros Anikate has enough 80s drum sounds and synth arpeggios to make ten new Netflix streaming shows. But this isn’t just some kids with nostalgia here, as you have some serious heavyweights involved, from the 80s, 90s, 2000s, and today:

  • Lena Platonos, new wave pioneer and total legend of Greek electronic music – seriously one of the grand divas of the whole scene from anywhere in the world.
  • The Hidden Cameras, indie queer icons and makers of “gay church folk music.” (Well, okely dokely, dearies!)
  • Sissi Rada, the incredible harpist and singer who’s also been working with Mouse on Mars and Brian Eno (!)
  • Curses, the NYC post-punk — wait, scratch that, Curses also moved to Berlin; sorry, New York. Curses’ own Ombra International has been making waves along with a stream of great stuff of his own (and his live duo).
  • Italy’s queer contribution Hard Ton is here – words don’t do him justice so see below.
  • Kalipo from Frittenbude on the electropunk side, straight out of Bavaria
  • Lee Stevens from Austria’s Luv Shack label
  • Theus Mago, Mexico’s reliable source of serious bangers

Have a listen – it’s one sweet treat after another:

Have at it:

Here’s a taste of Sissi Rada’s vibrant harp performances, with Schnellebuntebilder visuals in the first one:

And a little of the Hard Ton experience: