AV3 has posted some impressions of the Numark NuVJ on VJForums, here and here.

On getting it out of the box I have to say it looks really nice, quite light, but it is a midi controller and not hardware, so that was to be expected. Actually it sits well on the desk, and the most energetic mixing doesnt budge it!

The first thing I wanted to try was the scratching.
The scratch decks have a really nice feel, and they continue to spin for a long time after release, really well balanced.
they are a soft rubber, so grip really nicely.
In normal playback, when you trigger a clip, the scratch decks allow you to spin the clip forward or back, but as expected when the decks stop spinning, the clip continues to playback at normal speed. By pressing the scratch button, the clip freezes, and any movement on the decks is represnted by frame by frame scratching on the clips.

The latest update came yesterday, and promised a video demo soon, so stay tuned.