KMRU on spaces, Nairobi, and turning off Ableton Live’s grid

It’s a film about tuning into the spaces around you, but KMRU makes an argument for being more than where you’re from. And to open up possibilities, he also does the thing I expect a lot of you know you want to do but might be afraid to do – turn off the grid now and then. Even in the software known for it.

Take in an ultra-chilled live ambient set by Nairobi’s KMRU, and learn technique, too

Let’s give New Year’s Day one more try. Over three hours of live-streamed pristine ambient delicacy from rising star KMRU should fit the bill. Immerse yourself, and then if you feel the need to make your own sounds, catch a workshop or other inspiration, too.

Peter Kirn - January 7, 2021

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