A paper cover is one option if you’re looking for ways of making music releases physical and tangible. But Steven Cowley went to something a bit more unusual. A release of his one-man project Camp America comes with a bag containing 125 LEGO pieces, and instructions for building the case. Steven writes us as he sees that paper example to show us some next-level physical release magic.

And, oh yeah, importantly, it’s really good music – finely-polished, top-notch, synth-laden pop songs. It’s just darned good music, so the best I can say is, go take a listen. I also think Steven’s bio will speak to a lot of CDM readers, his: “youth was spent coaxing sounds from his ZX Spectrum and the family Atari.”

Along with piano lessons and a love for cheap instruments and charity shops, it was a natural step to start putting some of these influences into his own music. Throwing whatever he could find into the mix – borrowed guitars, vinyl found lying in the street – Camp America came to life as a one-man project.

Amen, brother.

And, hey, if you really want to teach kids today the value of music, the LEGO thing might work. Well, anyway, I still play with LEGOs. Give the music a listen:

(And, yes, I’ve got a backlog of music coming your way. July is going to be a heck of a lot of fun.)
