Acidwerk is a totally bonkers free and open source Web acid synth

Acidwerk puts the acid in acid. Yes, this is a generative bassline and drum synth. No, it does not make the vanilla acid you might be imagining. It’s a beautifully bizarre instrument perfect for creating some chaotic noise in a browser tab right after you’ve closed … the news.

Waverazor, MOK’s insane wave-slicing synth, just got a huge free update

Waverazor, the utterly, wonderfully mad wave-slicing synthesizer people too often overlook, just got a massive update with a bunch of new features. (Ring Delay!) It’s free for new users, or there’s an intro deal if you’re intrigued. Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Peter Kirn - February 17, 2025

TROVARSI x ALX-106 deliver brutal techno fed by serious live chops

Nothing puts life back in the groove quite like playing live. In a pairing of two total legends, Trovarsi and ALX-106 team up to drop some hard-slapping techno in the classic mold out on DC-based Black Techno Matters. And it’s got all the animation of their live sets combined with pitch-perfect production. It’s top-quality techno right when we need it: no hype, no TikTok genres, just a devastating kick from the kick.

Peter Kirn - February 14, 2025

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