You won’t fit more synths into 6HP of Eurorack (or VCV Rack module) than the newest ALM/Busy Circuits module, MCO v2. It’s a wavetable synth, an additive synth, a Roland JP8000 voice, a vocoder, a 90s VA, a bass and drum synth, and a SID chip emulation all in one.
Read moreI’ve been working on exclusive free presets for you for the new Baby Audio x Andrew Huang Transit 2. The goal was to treat this like a multi-effect, not just a “transition” builder. Here’s that download, plus exact details of what’s new in this release and some answers to your questions.
SynthX V from Arturia may be the easiest way to bring the goodness of the rare Elka Synthex to your computer, with superb sound and push-button ease for cross-modulation and layering. And then you add the Multi-Arpeggiator to the mix…
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