You’ll need the latest iOS and macOS to run it, but the next-generation Audulus 4 continues to impress as a deep, accessible soft modular. And it gets more and more West Coast by the day – as we catch a first glimpse of the next “Buchaudulus” system.

Earlier this week, patcher extraordinaire Edward Spiegel shared how Buchaudulus is looking. Bee-boo-boop, indeed. (Sorry, only synth language here really suffices.)

Hop on Discord, and you can go ahead and grab a 5×5 matrix synthesizer inspired by the world of Buchla:

That, in turn, opens up some beautiful modulation possibilities:

The whole thing was also refactored this week entirely in Lua and the new canvas node they’ve built – GPU-native.

It’s great to see this fresh approach.


And to catch you up: