ALM / Busy Circuits has two brilliant-looking modules out today. One is a unity gain summing mixer that works with stereo signals. The other is a dual-channel preamp, EQ, and mixer with some 80s and 90s character inspired by the BOSS BX series.

In the midst of the never-ending Eurorack flood, sometimes someone hits on an idea that’s just obviously good. If you happened through the ALM pop-up in London recently, you might have even caught a teaser of these already. Now they’re available.


An increasing number of modules now provide stereo sources, but that has come up against a dearth of ways to mix them. Enter the simple but essential STEREO SUM. Four stereo input pairs sum to two independent mix outs or you can use this as one big larger mixer (normalized). And yeah, you can still use mono signals with them (or CV in addition to audio).

It looks like a pretty efficient way to cover simple mixing needs in 4HP.

BXx2 brings back some 80s/90s BOSS mixing sounds

So, start with the BX series BOSS that found its way on a lot of 80s and 90s techno records. Take the shelving EQs and drive from that, and pack it into a two-channel version in 8HP. That’s the idea of the BXx2 – limited to a run of just 300 units.

  • Preamp with overdrive, plus separate gain and level
  • High and low shelf EQ
  • Dual channels, aux mix input

That aux winds up being especially nice, as you can either add another source or chain in another mixer – meaning you could use this for some end-of-chain sound shaping.

Oh yeah, and if you missed why the BOSS-style sound makes sense for techno, here’s what it sounds like on a TR-707 (though it also makes me want a Euro take on the RDD-20 digital delay – might have to patch that in Pd and load it on Befaco Lich):

For an even deeper breakdown of the BX-80, complete with beautiful Scottish accent, here’s Ireland-based allmyfriendsarejpegs (“pretty f***in good!”… “a fair chunk more heft!”):

Good stuff. Think I might need this one, even.