Our friend James Grahame (of Retro Thing, Reflex Audio, and hopefully soon to become a guest contributor on CDM 2.0) has launched his first book:

Essential Retro: The Vintage Technology Guide

(See also James’ announcement, Music thing)

Why should CDM readers be buying this book? Because the table of contents looks like a list of everything we love: vintage hi-fi audio gear, retro videogame consoles, early computers, classic toys, and, oh yeah, plenty of vintage synths. James sez:

Since I’m a synth addict, there’s an entire chapter dedicated to electronic musical instruments. I start with a look at some classics like the the ARP Odyssey and Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, but I couldn’t resist including a few modern ‘vintage analog’ devices from Dave Smith, Clavia, and even the real analog growl of the Alesis A6 Andromeda . . .

People can buy signed copies direct from the site for the next few weeks, and it should be available on Amazon in the USA and UK early next week. Priced at $19.95 in the USA, £11.95 in the UK.

Can’t wait to read it; more when I get my copy. Sure, we’re online writers and bloggers, but who said we didn’t love paper?