As reported here way back in January, Moog Music has been widely expected to introduce a major new product at Musik Messe. Now, Moog is kicking the hype into full gear, with a tantalizing image that suggests (drum roll please) a ground-breaking new product that has a knob! And this knob looks, well, much like their other knobs. (Sorry, Tom, I’m not even sure those are LEDs. I hope not, as it would make this knob blindingly hard to look at.) So, this isn’t really a clue, except that all the smart money is on a new Moog synth — this hype would be a bit much for a new Moogerfooger effect, unless it was something really, really cool.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped rampant speculation.

Music thing gets in the first punch with a round of amusing ideas. I agree with commenters there: this is most likely either a Super Moog Voyager keyboard, like a polyphonic Moog, or a more economical Moog for the masses. Current conventional wisdom swings to the latter. Friend of CDM James Grahame at Retro Thing even has a whole theory on how a lower-cost Moog could be built.

More amusing are the hilarious ideas from the Moog forum (10 pages of discussion and counting):

  • New Moog Liberation, for revenge of the keytarist (theglyph)
  • A tax-calculating synth (which would come just in time for us Americans; thanks, Martin)
  • Moog nail clipper (gd . . . and thanks for not suggesting nose hair trimmer, which would be terrifying)

  • Most of the discussion is devoted to speculation about why a cheaper Moog model is likely, possibly even plastic and mono (but, given the recent Moog history, probably still fine kit).

    Of course, we can save time here, and skip the discussion and just wait until March 29 at the Messe show in Frankfurt, when we’ll find out. Especially if all Moog will tease us with is a picture of a knob. (Where are they getting their ideas?)

    Maybe this could give you time to book a flight to Frankfurt. Also in the Moog booth will be the awesome thereminist Pamelia Kurstin demonstrating the Etherwave Pro. That plus whatever is new must be enough reason to fly to Germany for a true Mooghead.

    Future Moog Gear: Silly Mockup Edition