Florian Meindl and I have been working on new stuff with FLASH Recordings when we’re not deep into the gear. To celebrate our ongoing collaboration, we have an EP out for free on Bandcamp this weekend only.

Here’s that release, Mintropolis:

And this is a good time to revisit the topic of modules. First, I do love making things in the box – don’t get me wrong. That also means that you can built an entire system with just your laptop and some free and inexpensive software. (VCV Rack, I’m looking at you!)

But can you play live with a modular system? Can you use it for some nuanced sound design, production, arrangement? Can it make dance tracks? Yeah, absolutely.

My studio does not look like this, but it’s also fun to bring my skiff over and hook up to Florian’s – and hardware winds up being a great medium for collaboration. Plus just like any collection, people do find bargain buys, build up over time, flip some gear, and find ways of doing stuff on a budget.

Just to call out some specific hardware as I went through my photo archive from this time, stuff we used that I love:

  • Sitka Instruments Gravity is my favorite clock module by far – made in Kyiv.
  • Roland Demora delay, very underrated, got a ton of use. (discontinued now)
  • Erica Synths Bass Drum is a classic
  • Radio Elephant Natural Gate is one of Flo’s faves
  • Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas Percido – oh yes
  • MFB’s excellent modules get some play
  • Tiptop Audio Hatshop
  • Bunch of old Bastl Instruments stuff
  • Acidlab Robokop gets a workout – love all the Acidlab stuff
  • I made a bunch of use of Timo Rozendal’s FMP, and – seriously, check out his kits! Speaking of ways you can build a modular for next to nothing…

You’ll hear a bit of that on these two tracks, plus heavy use of the Moog Subharmonicon on the first track.

Hope you enjoy. Another throwback – check out how Florian assembles his live sets. I expect this could use a 2024 update, as we all change up our gear regularly:

Plus our mixer reviews, which went into these productions and – will get some action again: