Tonight here in New York, I’ll be presenting a free workshop on detecting and visualizing motion from camera inputs, which may be of interest not only for those of you eagerly anticipating the new Create Digital Motion site, but also anyone who’d like to use cameras as controllers for music. Full details after the jump.

If you’re not in New York, don’t fret; I plan to organize this stuff and have online examples/tutorials in the near future. But if you are there, say hi! And yes, I finally plan to deliver on my New York CDM get-together promises in June; my schedule will finally allow that.

Still from a recent performance with Eric Dunlap and Mare Hieronimus at Eyewash, the visual performance series in NYC.

DETECTING AND VISUALIZING MOTION: Mechanics and Design Possibilities
by Peter Kirn

THIS THURSDAY, May 11, 6:30pm
596 Broadway, #602
New York, NY 10012
Broadway at Houston Street

Please note that space is limited to approx. 15 people – please come early!

PETER KIRN presents methods of translating live camera inputs into digital visuals and control data, using Adobe Flash 8 and Max/MSP/Jitter (applicable to some other tools, as well). He will use examples from his own work, following a residency with choreographer Christopher Williams at Dance Theater Workshop and a performance via DTW and Boston CyberArts at Ideas in Motion in Cambridge. Looking behind the scenes at the mechanics of analyzing video and infrared photography, he’ll explore both the mechanics of these methods and how they might be applied to other projects, and how attendees can learn and explore some of these evolving techniques on their own.