Create Digital Music’s sister site has more on live visuals and interactive digital art. Cheating a bit here — it’s actually been two weeks — but it’s the dog days of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere and everyone’s moving a bit slow. Pictured: Dreams in High Fidelity.

We looked at 3dconnexion, the creators of fantastic 3D controllers from the folks who brought us the new Logitech NuLOOQ. If you’ve got Windows, these could be just the thing for your next three-dimensional music outing; Mac users, sadly, need not apply — ain’t no drivers.

Adobe Lightroom is now available in beta in both Mac and Windows versions, and Jaymis discovers even casual photographers might like. To me, it’s a bit like iPhoto Pro in the way Photoshop Elements hadn’t been.

If you’ve already added Commodore 64 sounds to your PC as a PCI card, why not use the other slot to install genuine retro vector graphics, a la Asteroids? I want to see someone VJ with vector; put together that ghetto-fabulous PC minitower and go to town.

The SIGGRAPH show last week in Boston was host to generative art in which, finally, computers really can dream of electric sheep; if that doesn’t strike your fancy, try using Firefox code to create eye candy instead.

But what really stole the show for me was the new MUSE music video, shown below. Try to top this with your own music video, even with a unicorn. It simply can’t be done. What can us indie musicians do to match high-end special effects in mainstream music video releases? Uh, learn After Effects and Maya? Not sure.

After our “beta test” first month, we’re ready to put Create Digital Motion into high gear, so I’m really looking forward to August. (Yes, unlike Web 2.0, we don’t plan to be in beta forever.) See you soon, on motion or music.