Man cannot live by synthesizers alone. No, really; even I’m not that dedicated. I keep something to nosh on while I work; don’t you?

So, while this time last year I was celebrating the keytar (thanks for the reminder, matrixsynth), here we’ll go off-topic and say that good food and time with family and friends goes perfectly with good music and good technology. I’m sure you’ll agree even if you’re not the part of our readership here in America.

On that note, I’m pleased to be able to share Egg and Soldier, a project I’ve been working on with my partner Jennifer. The site is a bit like create digital food, but with Jennifer’s own take. This is the stuffing on Jennifer’s Thanksgiving table, and it should be just perfect for holing up for the winter. (We have a few readers here from Berlin who I’m sure will appreciate that, even as the half of Team CDM that’s in Australia hits summer!) The vision, writing, and much of the photography is all Jennifer’s; I’m just adding some design and photo contributions and doing lots of eating and drinking.

The Omnivore’s Stuffing
Egg and Soldier

Ah, you say, but there’s really not a CDM angle on this, is there? To that, I’ll have to turn to Google for the segue … let’s see, “stuffing” plus “synthesizer” equals Chris Randall on Analog Industries talking about stuffing a DIY synth, which in turn leads to an archive page full of goodies, like Variophone pictured below. (Thanks, Google! We truly live in an age of marvels.)

Stuffing? DIY synths? Variophones? Actual stuffing? Now that’s what I call delicious. And so say all of us. Happy start to the holiday season.

Announcement: new server. And lastly, an announcement: my Thanksgiving Day present to the website is to move it to a hosting service that can actually handle the growing traffic we get. (Thanks, readers! Seriously — it’s the one problem I love to have.) After some bumps through Thursday, we now appear to be running just fine. If you find otherwise, tell us on the feedback forum. And unlike our previous hosts, both of which suspended our account for overuse, Media Temple (mt) will actually grow with us instead of just cap site traffic. Welcome to the new server; more improvements are on the way.