Are game music themes becoming the new equivalent of the old jazz standards? Maybe, as game covers are going from novelty to meme. Matrix of Matrixsynth sends along this YouTube find. Yes, you can get any timbre you want out of a guitar; nice violin effects, as well. (Now we only need a “Give the Children Some Tripods” fund.) And, in the bizarre world of YouTube, this is only one of many Halo theme song covers:

Say hi to this quartet over on MySpace. Sorry to Mac users who like me remember hearing this theme for the first time at Macworld Expo. How’d that all end, again? (Get your revenge by running Halo 2 under Vista in Boot Camp. Then play Myth.)

Aside from introducing me to the magic of arithmetic (I’ve been away from Sesame Street far too long), our eagle-eyed readers note that Kotaku has interviewed the violinist, Hanah Stuart. Or, anyway, there’s an extended crush-fest that you might call an interview:

That adorable, auburn-haired sprite with the exposed milky calves, hugging her violin? That’s Hanah Stuart… teenage girl, classical violinist, and the pixy who casually pranced upon a high school auditorium stage and rocked the Halo 2 theme song so hard that Steve Vai started spitting up bloody chunks of lung.

There’s nothing like a Gawker blog journalist in love. Now, before I have to re-take Kindergarten, I’m out for the holidays. See you soon.