Tonight CDM joins with MAKE, Popular Science, Etsy, and Instructables in an event celebrating all things made out of paper. My own interpretation is to mess with the concept a bit, and build a MIDI sequencer/sampler that works with barcodes. If you do make it, bring your favorite magazine/book barcode and we’ll see how it translates melodically.


Join us, along with Make Magazine(our office mates), Peter Kirn (Create Digital Music) Instructables, Popular Science, and more for a night of paper projects!

You can bring any project you want, but paper is our theme. As always, it’s show and tell – there won’t be presentations. Think of it as an informal science fair!

MAKE will have their drawbot and you can get your picture draw by a real live robot (well, alive for a robot). We will have a paper airplane contest (feel free to bring ones you’ve made ahead of time). We’ll also have paper plate sculpture building, music made from paper with Peter Kirn and old Popular Science archives.

So join us! Just RVSP to –

April 25th, 2007 – 8PM
Etsy Labs, 325 Gold Street, 6th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

As always, we’ll bring as much of the experience as we can to those of you on the rest of the planet (so, the vast majority of you, in other words). Once I clean up the code a bit, I’ll also have a tutorial on doing your own barcode (and other) MIDI projects with the free coding environment Processing.

Since I’m kind of copping out with a barcode scanner, hopefully someone will bring a fully paper-crafted musical instrument of some kind.