So much of the visual inspiration for digital generative visuals — even those that never leave the computer — come directly from analog electronics. There’s something organic about the motion visuals this gear creates. Case in point: the latest, short video from Mat Jarvis, the pioneering ambient artist, via his label Microscopics. Good stuff, and we’re glad to bring it to you first.

Speaking of pioneering vintage visuals, Mat Jarvis / Microscopics have also set music to the brilliant film “A Film Dealing with the Relative Size of Things in the Universe and the Effect of Adding Another Zero.” The film is the work of Charles and Ray Eames (yes, of chair/design fame), who probably deserve a CDMotion story all their own. It’s stunning to see this 1977 film predicting the worldview of technologies like Google Earth. In case you missed this on CDMusic:

Ambient music fans, here are details on the release of the album itself:

Microscopics Play with Scale on Gas0095, Give You Tiny Moog Model [Create Digital Music]

Microscopics Blog

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