MusixCube from Stefan Horak on Vimeo.

It’s just a concept, but it’s an excellent one: the classic Rubik’s Cube here is transformed into a tangible music interface. Grid squares light up as icons, colored feedback animates sounds, and twisting the blocks around provides access to interface options and even parameter control.

Someone. Make this happen.

From Kiel, Germany (north of Hamburg) and artist/student Hauke Scholz. Hauke, let’s do this for real.

A tool for producing electronic music, based on the interaction of the Rubik’s Cube, B.A. Thesis project at Muthesius Academy Of Fine Arts And Design by Hauke Scholz
Video shot and edited by Stefan Horak

By the way, here’s an example of a Rubik’s Cube as a live performance input, in a 2006 performance by our friend Artificiel:
Thanks to Meriol Lehman for the tip, via Twitter.