David Battino sends along this image. What’s wrong with this photo?


Yeah, I guess once you have a Roland Handsonic and M-Audio Trigger Finger you don’t really need drums, huh? Your neighbors / roommate / significant other / Mom are going to clip that sentence out and paste it to your studio door.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t point to the story this comes from: author Spencer Critchley, via the good folks at O’Reilly Digital Media, takes on eSession. It’s a Web-based, collaborative recording system, and this has to be the most extensive feature ever written about it:

The eSession Experience: Online Recording for All

Updated: In case you don’t read comments, we’re getting like an interactive caption going. Brian T writes:

The picture? I think you picked on the wrong guy there… that’s Pat Mastelotto, drummer with Mr. Mister, XTC, King Crimson, and a lot of sessions and electronic projects e.g. mastica, TU, Centrozoon. Just about the best mixer of acoustic and electronic drums (& sequencers) around today.

It’s, uh, not actually the brilliant Pat Mastelotto I’m picking on, it’s the incongruous MIDI gear amongst that giant drum setup. To make matters worse, David notes it looks like he’s giving the finger to the M-Audio. M-Audio, apologies.