First a phonograph maker, now this — a theremin synth/guitar thingy called the ElectroKraft Axe*Synth
— this week will set weird sound gadget lovers' hearts a-twitter. The
Axe*Synth has to be seen to be appreciated (don't miss the video on the
site!): imagine if aliens created an air guitar, and you'll start to
get the picture.Two oscillators and a ring modulator drive the synth,
while you 'pluck' a photo-sensitive theremin. A touch-sensitive bar
stands in as the fretboard. No MIDI: direct analog control only.
Keyboardists will probably want to wait for the company's upcoming
Sonar*Synth which has the same features but a keypad interface. Be the
first — and probably last — on your block to own one.

Cost/Availability: US$549.00, available for purchase now (other details unknown)