If 2004 was the year of the blog, then 2005 will be the year
in which everyone has an idea of what the big new blog trend will be.
Here at CDM, we've considered the options, from Podcasting to
videoblogging and yes, even smelloblogging (in which odors are
delivered via RSS feed to fitted nostril technology), and it's clear
what's really going to catch on:

Musical theater blogging.

It's the remix, the mash-up, all in one. You read a New York Times dining review, you set it to music,
and you're heard by an audience around the world. Soon, the written
word will be dead, replaced entirely by (drum roll please) . . .

Show tunes.

It's the democratization of lyrics, the liberation of language in song.
It's the future, klds, and I dare you to disagree. What? You think I'm
losing my mind because all this future talk has made me cynical? Oh,
come on, you didn't even like the DJammer (now appearing in Wired), so clearly you're no fun at all.