(NSFW… ish.)

Yes, Rolling Stone brought in heavy hitters on this spot, which is either parody, self-parody, trying to get you to read Rolling Stone for its rock coverage, trying to get you to read Rolling Stone for its EDM coverage, or just generally trying to make Rolling Stone seem hip and relevant. At least the creative – DLV BBDO in Milan and copywriter Matteo Maggiore – were creative.

Or they’re all just trying to troll dance music fans.

Full credits for this spot on adsoftheworld.com

And the track: Kisk & Francesco Zani / Rolling Dj’s (now, that’s funny, on a number of levels)

But hang on, they had me at:

“The day will come when your vocoders explode –”

Wait. They will?

Please, please let us be recording audio when that happens. First one out with an exploding vocoder Ableton Rack wins. (Scratch that; I think Richard Devine already released that sound library.)

If your software interface is bursting into flames, though, you may have jumped the gun on that Mavericks upgrade.

Alternatively, someone needs to make a video for Luigi Russolo.

Addendum: while the video looks nice, maybe Rolling Stone really intended to hire Henry Rollins as their spokesperson: