
Enough of the Web teaser campaigns, the press conferences with bottles of beer at exhibition centers, the trade show booths … let’s party instead.

That’s how Elektron, the makers of Machinedrum, will celebrate their next launch. November the 23rd is the date, and, naturally, CDM will be there. Elektron are even coming down from Sweden to Berlin, where they’ll no doubt enjoy our extra couple of hours of … um … daylight. Whatever the new box may be, it’s nice to see some lovely artists in the lineup.

A “Very Special Guest” from Köln, Germany’s famed Kompakt label is headlining, followed by some other great folks:
TM404 – aka Andreas Tilliander (Kontra-Musik)
Cascandy (Monaberry)
Andre Kronert (Stockholm LTD, Neurotron)

…all playing live. (Yes, hope they brought their Machinedrums.) I’m particularly excited for TM404 – whether he’s shilling for fine electronic instruments or not. He had a wonderful set at CTM Festival at the beginning of the year:

Visitors will also be treated to DJ sets by:
Marlon & Karxman

What, no American EDM artists? Joke.

If you’re around Berlin, you can join the party at 23:00 at Humboldthain. But for those of you partying here, on The Internet, we’ll of course be getting all the juicy details on the … new … actually, for now, your guess is as good as mine. (There’s a press preview before the party, so we’ll cover that, and you can try to pry it out of me afterward.)

All of the details are on the Elektronauts blog and community forums:

Lately, they’ve been posting things like this, an all-Elektron jam session featuring four boxes with everything routed through the Octatrack. Enjoy: