CDM quietly turned eleven years old this year (after humble beginnings). But it’s not where we’ve been I want to share – it’s where we’re going. And that begins with a new site design and server infrastructure.

You’ve been absolutely extraordinary in your support as readers and, more than that, a community, as we’ve grown over the years. But that means building a new platform so we can explore new places.


Dutch-born designer Marijn Degenaar has worked with us to give CDM a new format. I want to make reading more pleasurable – and that certainly makes writing more pleasurable. There’s what you’ll see immediately, visually, but also other ways in which this new appearance and visual identity let us build on the site and in other formats. Those possibilities will unfold gradually in the future.

We’re also indebted to Anette K. Hansen (born in Norway, now here in Berlin) for her logo, which you may have noticed quietly creeping into things we’ve been doing. Anette also worked with us on the look of MeeBlip.

And lastly, our new Web infrastructure and administration comes from UK-born, Berlin-based Joel Bernstein.

You’ll notice this is called “CDM” – and not this jumble of createdigitalmusicmotionnoise. That means one of the first things we’ll be doing is migrating and integrating the old content from Create Digital Motion – and launching a new look at that topic that’s integrated with our music stories. The migration won’t happen immediately, but the new content will.

Some notes: we’re adjusting mobile, and will get that to you in coming days. And there are some issues we’re actively fixing, so you might see some strangeness as things settle down. We wanted to get this version out in order to get some feedback and to begin working live.

There will no doubt be some bugs as we finish this deployment, but I hope to have everything working by next week as we head into the holidays. We have some really special things to share for our year in review, as well, so stay with us. I can’t wait.

Oh, and if you’re wondering about the image, well, that basically sums up how I feel about this project.