What are you doing right now? Want to drop what you’re doing and nerd out with a bunch of amazing Bob Moog pictures and ephemera? Great!

The Bob Moog Foundation has unveiled an online timeline spanning the music tech innovator’s whole life, with a hundred points from 1934-2005.

That starts from his childhood in Flushing, New York City, through the founding of his company, and collaborations with the likes of Crumar, Synton, and Kurzweil. There’s even his report card from his elementary school, P.S. 24. (Don’t worry – he done good.)

The timeline also gives some evidence to just how much stuff they’re finding of Moog’s life, including family photos and personal letters.

It’s great to see this happening. I’m increasingly convinced that media archaeology is going to become a big part of innovation. Very often, the next big breakthrough comes from a better understanding of what has come before. We appreciate that tech innovation isn’t just a linear path from point A to point B, but something more cyclical. Unfortunately, I think that means it’s more urgent than ever not only to do a great job of documenting Dr. Moog’s life, but lesser known innovators in other parts of the world, too. And those aims should be complementary. That’s something I hope we keep looking at on CDM, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, check out this cool timeline at:

And here are some pics selected for CDM:

1989-3-Bob Teaching

1980-2-Big Briar Products and Bob

1954-5-Bob with 301 or 351

71-2-Emerson Modular from MOMA
