What would a slick motion opening look like for, um, classic Starcraft gaming televised? (Oh, yes – Korea really is that cool.) While we’re generally not that interested in motion reels, these videos are made of awesome, and seem to be a special case. It’s like Monday Night Football for us Americans.

And then you wind up, you know, punching water. Yep, strategy gaming geeks can be badass.

Client : MBC GAME / On Air : MBC GAME

Top video:
Creative Director & Producer : Paul Choi
Design & Animation : Taehwan Lee, Jaewon Jung

Bottom video:
Creative Director : Paul Choi, Sunggyu Sun
Producer : Sookang Jung
Design & Animation : Jungkeun Lee, Yoonsung Nam, Jooyoung Roh, Eunha Kim
VFX : Jesung Park

From Imagebakery (Flickr site), who are Korea-based motion graphics designers and iPhone application developers:

As posted to the Create Digital Motion Flickr Pool, where you can find lots more inspiration.

I’m hoping these healthy young gentlemen will now go punch whoever decided Starcraft 2 wouldn’t have LAN play in the face. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! FIGHT FOR YOUR LAN!