chiral | documentation projection & paper sculpture | MOCA Taipei 2010 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.

Three-dimensional digital imagery is itself a kind of sculpture, albeit in virtual form. Translated to the ephemeral light beamed from projector, the projections themselves become textures in physical space. Artist Robert Seidel uses that quality to exquisite effect in his work, as we saw last year in Vellum.” In his latest piece, “Chiral,” the sculptural condition of light pairs with real physical sculpture, produced from handmade Taiwanese paper. While calling upon a fluid rendition of Chinese calligraphy, the digital forms, too, evolve like folded paper.

Robert sends this description:

*Chiral* Documentation
06/15/2010 – 07/18/2010
Museum of Contemporary Art (Taipei, Taiwan)

Projection & Sculpture: Robert Seidel
Soundtrack: Richard Eigner

In “Chiral” cinematic etudes expand the two-dimensional image into space, refining ideas from Chinese calligraphy and abstract art into an evolving moving painting. They are projected on a sculpture and a screen made from handmade Taiwanese paper and there develop very different lives on configurations of the same material…

Full details on Robert’s site, and yes, there’s even wallpaper to download.

chiral | projection artwork | MOCA Taipei 2010 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.

And in other news, a full length film entitled “Floating,” with music by Heiko Tippelt, is coming. We’ll be watching for this one.