We’ve seen a minor renaissance in mobile music gear – KORG’s volca series, Teenage Engineering’s tiny Pocket Operators, the Gakken synths, Roland’s boutique series, and more. (We’re a believer in this – that’s why CDM co-produces the MeeBlip synth.) But while these small instruments are great, they wind up getting tossed into a bag. That risks damaging them, and there’s a lot of business of packing and unpacking them when you play.

We wanted a solution, so we made our own. It’s called BlipCase.

BlipCase grows out of the same collaboration behind the MeeBlip synth, but it’s not just for MeeBlip owners. It’s for anyone with mobile gear, specially designed to fit a wide range of little synths and compact mixers. It’s a storage solution, it’s a travel solution, and it’s a performance/studio jamming solution in one.


A system of interchangeable dividers keeps all your gear snug, and allows for lots of different combinations of power adapters, mixers, and whichever synths happen to be your favorite. And most importantly, once you’ve got your gear in the case, you don’t have to take it out – you can play your instruments right in the case, whether that’s in a studio or home or onstage. Guitarists have long done this with pedalboards, and some intrepid synth lovers did something quite like what we’ve done with BlipCase. But there wasn’t a ready-to-play solution for popular gear in a rugged case – until now.

Not everything will fit here – we wanted to keep this small, to make traveling everywhere with this case in hand a no-brainer. But we’ve worked hard to make sure the dimensions provide the maximum number of combinations of some of your favorite small instruments.

Once you open it, the detachable cover can give you more play space for still more gear, creating an additional work surface.

Have a look at its features in this video – which features a track by MeeBlip SE user SEQUENCER. (Keep sending us your tracks!)

Then learn more here – and buy one now (we’re in stock shipping today):


For those of you still eagerly awaiting the next big thing in MeeBlip synths, we’ll have more to talk about really soon. We’re not doing something like Kickstarter or giving you an endless set of teasers — we’ll tease just a little bit (you, uh, might want to watch the BlipCase video) and then tell you about what we’re doing with MeeBlip on the day it’s ready to ship.

BlipCase is shipping right now, today, to just about anywhere you are.

And we worked to keep it affordable without sacrificing quality.

US$79 plus appropriate shipping.







0000-blipcase logo on case

Get yours: http://meeblip.com