Float away with Mujik… from The Amazing Rolo on Vimeo.

Musical technology is often designed to be “hard” in character. Interfaces are cold and technological-looking, futuristic like spaceships, or made to replicate antique gear to make guitarists feel nostalgic. Musical interfaces consciously avoid anything “childish” – calling something a “toy” being the worst possible insult – and they’re certainly never whimsical.

That’s why the real news about Mujik isn’t that it’s a new iPhone app, or that, after a few weeks of teasers, you can download it today on the iTunes store. (The app is free for a limited time.) The news is that it’s a musical interface with lightning bugs.

Mujik teaser… from The Amazing Rolo on Vimeo.

The creators, led by Yann Seznec, clearly had this goal in mind:

Do you want an iPhone app to make beats? And produce like totally awesome tracks with a zillion channels and plugins and automation and 808 simulators and stuff yeah? Oh. Well, this is not for you. Mujik is more than a music app – get away from fake sliders and buttons and enter the world of Mujik, with charming graphics, lovely music, and a wonderfully tactile interface. It’s not rocket science, it’s just fun.

Mujik is brought to you by Lucky Frame, a small team of awesome people based in Edinburgh, Scotland. It’s lovely here, you should come visit.

You can’t save yet, but I rather like that. And while you can’t yet add your own sounds (which they’re also working on), I actually can imagine this would be something you’d share with your friends who are intimidating by the arcane, unreadable tracker you have installed on your hacked Game Boy.

On the team: Yann Seznec is also known as The Amazing Rolo, who we’ve seen previously on CDM making a free Wii looping machine, and who recently did a three-part series just for CDM on the Maker Faire. (one, two, three)

Thanks to Chris Hahn on Twitter for the tip!