Don’t touch that dial — NAMM Summer Session has begun, meaning lots of new hardware and software to drool over. (Site is down at press time, weirdly.) The National Association of Music Manufacturers meets twice a year; summer is in Indianapolis this year and is a big deal as it hits just before the major shopping season. That means CDM will be in full weekend broadcasting mode. So sneak away from the BBQ when you can and see what’s new!

Send us your news: Product manufacturers or folks on the floor with tips, feel free to email me news as always.

CDM NAMM Policy: No Press Releases (TM) Yes, I know just how much you love reading press releases. INDIANAPOLIS — Musicorp introduces its GRX-1l-vB-779-u3 reverb pedal, now featuring an Extra Knob(TM). “For professional musicians, living without this extra knob was a burden. Some wondered if they could go on living. Now we have the answer: you can,” says . . . . uh . . . anyway, sorry, you won’t get them here.

CDM NAMM Policy: 5-word reviews Of course, the only thing wordier and harder-to-follow than a press release? That would be me. Heck, I’ve forgotten what I’m talking about by the time I’m done. So we now introduce 5-word capsule reviews of every new product announcement. Get ready, and if you really like it, I may be able to sum up the whole show in a series of haikus.