The music blogosphere is starting to really pick up here, so I’m going to have to start to just link instead of ramble about every single item. (Anyone got a suggestion for a better name? Wait, maybe significant others?) Here’s what’s hot:

Many cool and bizarre circuit-bent creations on eBay, including a whacked-out video synth and major toy. [ Get LoFi ]

Opcode vet and OMS creator Doug Wyatt talks to O’Reilly Digital Media about music and technology. Best bit: MIDI is not dead. Be on the watch for serious gear porn, to boot, plus my favorite virtual strings — recording a real string quartet.

An explanation of a microtone for you wannabe music geeks [Sweetwater InSync]

Waldorf Resources from the great new blog Matrixsynth

Sequentix Hardware Sequencers and sexy LED-lit sequencer sans MIDI for those of you who are still allergic to computers [ Matrixsynth ]

Synth has many how-tos for DIYers. Any favorite sites of yours? Let me know! I’m a software guy, remember? (via Get LoFi, though dude, your link is broken)

I still don’t understand why Tom at Music thing doesn’t like silver. Too many Cyberman episodes of Doctor Who, Tom? [ Music thing ]

Creamware’s Minimax USB portable analog synth is now shipping [ Gear junkies ]; see CDM’s previous report as well as discussion of the fact that this is hardware, not software

Sexy? What’s wrong with being sexy? I have to respond to Hans Zimmer’s sexist remark about not letting your wife keep you from buying equipment with this addendum: never let your boyfriend, houseboy, or other significant other tell you not to buy equipment, either. Unless they’re holding out sex. In which case (or for any other reason), buy software. Best news: you’ll be able to keep the house instead of selling it to keep that OASYS.