Scratching: it’s not just for DJs. It’s a musical instrument taught at the Berklee College of Music. Using a product like Final Scratch, you can use turntable scratching as an interface to your computer. Using the more affordable Ms. Pinky, you can even interface with video apps and control Max/MSP and Jitter. Pink looks equally good on boys and girls, as you can see. It’s new black, or, uh, whatever.

So, which is the right turntable? DJ Eldorado took the PT01 into the desert and back, but there are other options. Here’s the best roundup I’ve seen yet (and it includes the PT01):

Affordable Turntable Roundup [Retro Thing]

Still need to learn how to scratch, and don’t want to take that Berklee course? See Eldorado’s review of our friend DJ Shortee and her fantastic video tutorials:

Instructional DVDs Reviewed

With Ms. Pinky, I think I’m about ready to take the plunge myself. Now it’s just a matter of which turntable. Direct drive is really better for scratching, but I do like the idea of something I can (cough) lift. Hit comments and let us know which you prefer.

More turntable coverage coming next week — stay tuned.