Take live audio in, slice it up, reshuffle it, manipulate it, all beat-synced – SliceShuffler is a new Live slicer-dicer, for just a few bucks.

I’ve covered developer J74’s stuff before. (J74 is the Max-developing alias of Fabrizio Poce.) This one looks really special, though.

The basic idea is, you take a live input, toss it in a buffer, and then slice and re-sequence and transform the sound, all as you play, synced to the clock. It’s intended particularly for use with rhythmic materials, but it’s potentially interesting for almost anything.

And since we’ve seen this basic idea in Max for Live devices before, what sets SliceShuffler apart is an elegant interface and a ton of features. This is a seriously nice wishlist of stuff crammed in there:

– Free slice re-sequencing of the captured audio buffer.
– Tempo synchronized, with up to 32 steps (32 beats, 2 bars of buffered audio)
– Probability sequencing lanes to add variations and evolutions over time.
– Sequenced-slice can independently be reversed, muted and/or panned.
– Slice direction can be sequenced with probability of variation.
– Parameter Locking: it can sequence any parameter in Ableton Live
– Drive gain & compressor at the output stage (for overdrive and saturation).
– Snapshots: save and recall snapshots, also for mixing during performance (hitless recall)
– Performance functions: randomize, freeze, shift, reverse. All possible in real-time

The developer says it’s performance-oriented – all those features and snapshot morphing and such can be done as you play. There’s an undo you can use even live in performance, too.

You’ll need Live 10.1.x or later to support this, and as with Max for Live Devices generally, either Live Suite or a suitable Max for Live license. It’s a 12EUR purchase.


And some video guides: