Another world, another time, in the age of … well, back when MP3 encoding still seemed like a pretty neat idea. Discover years of back-catalog goodies from Inigo Kennedy, and have a dreamy asymmetrical day.

Thanks to the amazing Kevin Kennedy aka FBK for the find – and, seriously, you should use the money you saved here to grab FBK’s latest on Bandcamp.

But Inigo Kennedy’s full spectrum of delicious production, introspective tunes, and easy-flowing odd-phrased grooves and frenetic futuristic machine creations produce just the kind of reveries a lot of us could use right now. I’m just beyond happy to have found this. And yeah, I’m enough of a fan that I went in with DownThemAll so … before you all hammer the server here, if you’re that sort of person, contact me.

I hope this gets more people into Inigo’s music / stick him into an envelope that says “open for booking contact when social distancing is over.”

You can pencil drop the collection – for instance, I just blindly queued up this beautiful track. “A Rune for Amelie”:

Or speaking of “entertaining accidents,” – here’s “Entertaining Accidents.” (Again, picked at random.)

Of course, I got just as much of a kick reading the vintage 2004 press release launching the platform. Ah, those innocent days. Of course, in 2004 they would have been really grateful that today we have moved beyond primitive 192k MP3 to … ugh, actually, yeah, we’re all streaming worse quality stuff over dodgy Bluetooth connections. 2004, we’re really sorry. Also, you’ll be surprised to … actually, just don’t ask. About a bunch of things.

Asymmetric|MP3 001 – In Parallel – 5th January 2004

Inigo Kennedy announces the launch of Asymmetric|MP3 – a new project to take advantage of the freedom of electronic distribution and make available MP3 releases of his distinctive music.

Free MP3 releases will regularly be made available via the Asymmetric website at

The title of the first release is In Parallel and this outlines the aims of the Asymmetric|MP3 project. The MP3 releases do not substitute for the vinyl or CD releases but will run alongside as both projects should inspire, support, strengthen and reinforce one and other. The MP3 releases are planned to perhaps introduce different ideas and may, in the future, also include alternative versions of tracks that have been or will be released on vinyl or CD.

The first release In Parallel consists of four new tracks. All of which touch on, and build upon, the distinctive elements that have made Asymmetric releases stand out in the past.

The MP3s will be encoded using LAME at an average bit rate of 192Kb/s in full stereo mode. Alternative versions will not be made available. The aim is to release MP3s of high quality to do justice to the music rather than compromise for the sake of small file size. The quality of the MP3s as they are released should be sufficient to sound good on anything from headphones to a large sound system via Final Scratch, etc.

(Final Scratch was the pioneering digital vinyl control system that helped lead to … uh, just ask your grandparents, kids.)